Softball Overview

    Softball Division

  • Fast pitch softball for girls ages 7-14:  Teams for 7-8 yr olds, 9-10 yr olds, 11-12 yr olds, 13-14 yr olds
  • Three days per week, including one weekday for practice, one weekday game, and one weekend game
  • Usually takes place at Washington Park Playfields or at other league locations
  • Fun, instructional experience with a focus on learning the game from the basics to more advanced play
  • Commissioner: Bob Duffy (

2024 Season (Subject to Change)

Try-ItsMarch 9
Registration EndsMarch 11
Team Notificationby March 11
Practices Beginafter March 11
Games BeginMarch 30
Picture DayMay 4
Regular Season EndsJune 1
Season Ending BBQJune 8

    Age Determination

A player's age as of December 31 determines the age in which the player is eligible to play the following year.