Seattle PONY hosts several preseason events for youth in different divisions. Please see below for more information about these exciting opportunities for baseball and softball.
Softball Try-Its
Eligible softball players are invited to attend our fun “try it” event:
March 17, 11:00 am-12:30 pm at Washington Park.
PONY Palooza
For our youngest players in the Shetland and Pinto divisions, these fun, warm-up events are a great kickoff to the season.
PINTO PALOOZA:          Saturday, March 17, 9-10:30 am at Washington Park
SHETLAND PALOOZA:   Saturday, March 31, 9-10:30 am at Washington Park
Bronco and Mustang Skills Sessions
Mustang and Bronco division players should attend one of the preseason skills assessment sessions listed below. Please note that players should plan to arrive 30 minutes early to check in.
MUSTANG (9-10 year olds)
March 3, 12:30-3:00 pm at Washington Park
March 11, 10:00 am-12:30 pm at Washington Park
BRONCO (11-12 year olds)
March 4, 3:00-5:00 pm at Washington Park
March 10, 12:00-2:00 pm at Washington Park